Course: Safeguarding Diploma Course
Text lesson

What is Domestic Abuse?

Introduction to Domestic Abuse:

– Define domestic abuse as a pattern of coercive and controlling behavior used by one person to gain power and control over another in an intimate or family relationship.

– Discuss the various forms of domestic abuse, including physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, financial, and digital abuse.


Recognizing Signs and Indicators:

– Identify common signs and indicators of domestic abuse, such as unexplained injuries, frequent absences from work or social events, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and isolation.

– Explore how domestic abuse can affect individuals of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, socioeconomic backgrounds, and cultural identities.


Understanding the Impact:

– Highlight the long-term physical, emotional, and psychological consequences of domestic abuse on victims and their families.

– Discuss the cycle of abuse and the barriers victims face in seeking help, including fear, shame, financial dependence, and cultural or religious beliefs.


Legal and Ethical Responsibilities:

– Outline the legal and ethical obligations of professionals in safeguarding victims of domestic abuse, including mandatory reporting laws, confidentiality, and duty of care.

– Provide an overview of relevant legislation and policies, such as domestic violence protection orders and multi-agency safeguarding procedures.


Support and Intervention Strategies:

– Explore effective strategies for supporting victims of domestic abuse, including active listening, validation of feelings, safety planning, and connecting them with appropriate resources and services.

– Discuss the role of multi-agency collaboration in coordinating responses and providing holistic support to victims, including law enforcement, social services, healthcare professionals, and community organizations.


Promoting Prevention and Awareness:

– Emphasize the importance of prevention efforts in addressing the root causes of domestic abuse, such as gender inequality, societal attitudes, and cultural norms that condone violence.

– Discuss the role of education, public awareness campaigns, and community initiatives in challenging myths, raising awareness, and promoting healthy relationships.



– Summarize key concepts and learning outcomes from the lesson.

– Encourage ongoing professional development and self-reflection in supporting victims of domestic abuse and promoting a culture of safety and respect.