Course: Teaching Assistant Diploma Course
Text lesson

How Children Learn

This lesson will provide teaching assistants with an understanding of the key principles behind how children learn and how their behavior is influenced by various factors. By gaining insight into these concepts, teaching assistants will be better equipped to support students in their learning journey and manage classroom dynamics effectively.


Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the theories of learning: Explore prominent theories such as behaviorism, constructivism, and social learning theory, and their implications for understanding children’s learning processes.


2. Examine developmental stages: Investigate how children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development impacts their learning and behavior at different stages.


3. Explore motivation and engagement: Learn about the factors that influence children’s motivation to learn, including intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, and strategies for fostering engagement in the classroom.


4. Identify individual differences: Recognize the diverse learning styles, abilities, and needs of children, and discover ways to accommodate these differences to promote effective learning for all students.


5. Learn behavior management techniques: Acquire practical strategies for managing behavior in the classroom, including positive reinforcement, setting clear expectations, and implementing consequences when necessary.


Lesson Content:


1. Introduction to Learning Theories:

   – Overview of behaviorism, constructivism, and social learning theory.

   – Explanation of how each theory applies to understanding children’s learning processes.

   – Discussion on the strengths and limitations of each theory.


2. Developmental Stages and Learning:

   – Examination of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development and Erikson’s psychosocial stages.

   – Understanding how developmental milestones influence learning abilities and behavior.

   – Discussion on the role of the teacher in scaffolding learning to match children’s developmental needs.


3. Motivation and Engagement:

   – Definition of motivation and its significance in learning.

   – Exploration of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators and their impact on children’s engagement.

   – Strategies for promoting intrinsic motivation and fostering a supportive learning environment.


4. Individual Differences in Learning:

   – Identification of different learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and multiple intelligences.

   – Discussion on accommodating diverse learning needs and creating inclusive classrooms.

   – Introduction to Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and differentiation strategies.


5. Behavior Management Techniques:

   – Overview of positive behavior management approaches.

   – Explanation of reinforcement techniques, such as praise and rewards.

   – Introduction to setting clear expectations, using proactive strategies, and addressing challenging behaviors effectively.



In this lesson, teaching assistants have gained valuable insights into the theories of learning, developmental stages, motivation, individual differences, and behavior management techniques. Armed with this knowledge, they are better equipped to support children’s learning and contribute positively to classroom environments.