Course: Teaching Assistant Diploma Course
Text lesson

Specific Learning Difficulties

In this lesson, we will delve into the realm of Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs) and explore various strategies and techniques to support learners who may be experiencing challenges in this area. As a teaching assistant, understanding SpLDs is crucial in providing effective support and creating an inclusive learning environment.


Lesson Content:


1. Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties:

   – Definition of SpLDs: Provide an overview of what SpLDs entail, including dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

   – Characteristics of SpLDs: Explore common traits and behaviors associated with different types of SpLDs, such as difficulties with reading, writing, organization, and concentration.


2. Recognizing Signs and Symptoms:

   – Highlight observable signs and symptoms that may indicate a learner is experiencing an SpLD.

   – Discuss the importance of early identification and the role of teaching assistants in recognizing and supporting learners with SpLDs.


3. Strategies for Supporting Learners with Dyslexia:

   – Multisensory Teaching Methods: Introduce approaches that engage multiple senses to enhance learning, such as using tactile materials and incorporating visual aids.

   – Breaking Down Tasks: Discuss techniques for breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps to support learners with dyslexia in comprehension and completion.


4. Supporting Learners with Dyspraxia:

   – Motor Skills Development: Explore activities and exercises to aid in the development of fine and gross motor skills, which are often impacted by dyspraxia.

   – Environmental Considerations: Discuss how adjustments to the learning environment, such as providing clear instructions and minimizing distractions, can benefit learners with dyspraxia.


5. Strategies for Addressing Dyscalculia:

   – Concrete Manipulatives: Introduce the use of concrete manipulatives, such as counting blocks and number lines, to facilitate understanding of mathematical concepts.

   – Visual Representations: Explore the effectiveness of visual representations, such as charts and diagrams, in illustrating mathematical concepts and relationships.


6. Supporting Learners with ADHD:

   – Structured Routines: Discuss the importance of establishing structured routines and providing clear expectations to help learners with ADHD stay organized and focused.

   – Positive Reinforcement: Explore strategies for using positive reinforcement and praise to motivate learners with ADHD and reinforce desired behaviors.


7. Conclusion:

   – Summarize key points covered in the lesson.

   – Emphasize the importance of individualized support and ongoing communication between teaching assistants, teachers, and parents/carers in supporting learners with SpLDs effectively.


This lesson aims to equip teaching assistants with the knowledge and strategies needed to provide meaningful support to learners with Specific Learning Difficulties, fostering an inclusive learning environment where all students can thrive.